We offer seminars at bachelor and master level as well as supervision of bachelor and master theses every semester. Both the seminars and the theses are closely related to the current topics of our chair. You will gain insights into current research topics and learn how to work scientifically.
We offer the supervision of
- Bachelor theses
- Master theses
The topics are usually based on current research areas we are working on. You will gain insights into state-of-the-art research topics and have the possibility to actively contribute to science. You can write the thesis in English or German.
You can apply for
- Proposed topics: see below
- Own topics: We will be happy to receive your own ideas for a topic.
- Topics in cooperation with a company.
You may apply any time. We will usually get back to you within three weeks.
To apply, please send the following documents to office-hrm∂ibu.kit.edu.
- Transcript of records (a full transcript of all courses, not only the courses you have passed)
- Starting date (date that you plan to begin your thesis)
- Desired topic or a short exposé if you would like to propose your own topic or write your thesis in cooperation with a company. Please name several topcis if possible and state your preference for each topic.
To prepare our students optimally, all students writing their thesis participate in our colloquium.
For general questions about writing a thesis at the Chair of Human Resource Management, please contact Paul M. Gorny or Sven Walther.
↵Bachelor and Master
The Role of Eye Contact in Virtual Teams (Experimental Study in Cooperation with the Startup Casablanca.AI)