Philip Dickemann KIT, IBU-MA

M.Sc. Philip Dickemann


Philip Dickemann obtained his bachelor’s degree in Management and Economics (Wirtschaftswissenschaften) at Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz and his master's degree in Information Engineering and Management (Informationswirtschaft) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). After graduation, he joined the Chair of Management Accounting as a research assistant and PhD student. Philip Dickemann gained professional experience from insurance (Allianz) and software companies (CAS).


The emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases as well as the management and the consumption of energy are critical forces for companies. It is inevitable to provide reliable and detailed information on which decisions can be based to address these topics. In our research, we focus on management accounting in the context of these topics. We want to understand how management accounting can support sustainability.



  • Tutorial Management Accounting 1 (summer term)
  • Seminar: Management Accounting - Sustainability Topics (winter term)