Crafting a Customer Value Proposition for a new technology-based company

  • Typ:Masterarbeit
  • Betreuung:

    Markus Kirchberger

  • Zusatzfeld:


  • This paper describes the process of crafting a customer value proposition for a new technology-based company during the development of a new market offering. Customer value propositions developed into an important tool in commercialization processes of new market offerings. The main goal is to focus on the customer’s perspective and determine the value of the market offering for the customer as transparent marketing information. Positive side-effects of this approach are the better understanding of the customer and closer interaction between supplier and customer. The main purpose of this case study is to identify implications for theory development by aligning a customer value proposition for a new technology-based company. Key contributions to the body of scientific knowledge emphasize the benefit of value quantification as an option to confirm or revise assumptions and the need for detailed reflection on the market offering during the process of crafting the customer value proposition. An interventionist research approach was used over a period of seven months to conduct the research in form of a case study.