Behavioral Lab Exercise
- Typ: Seminar (S)
- Lehrstuhl: KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Semester: WS 24/25
siehe Ilias
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Scheibehenne
Prof. Dr. Petra Nieken - SWS: 4.5
- LVNr.: 2500040
- Hinweis: Präsenz
Inhalt | In this class, students learn the core principles of psychological and economic experiments. The course covers topics ranging from design principles, to best-practices, preregistration, and analysis of the experimental data. Students will actively participate in the course by covering one selected topic in a talk. All students will discuss the topics together with the professors to develop solid knowledge about experimental design and analysis plans. In a second step, all students will develop a draft of an experimental design and analysis plan for their own topic and present it to the class. The students will get detailed feedback enabling them to improve their drafts for future research. |
Vortragssprache | Englisch |